Student Blogs

HC Visit

April 4th, 2011 amguar12


As I mentioned in my last blog, I am currently on my 6-week-long spring break from Sussex.  The first 3 weeks of this break I am spending stateside, while the next 3 weeks include travels to various European countries, arriving back in England in time for the royal wedding at the end of April!  Before I continue with the main theme of my blog, I must inform you that it is almost culture shock hearing about the royal wedding in America.  When I am in England, I feel that the royal wedding is hardly mentioned, as I never hear about it.  Most days I completely forget about it.  In America, however, it is a completely different story.  All I need to do is turn on the TV at any hour of the day and I will hear about details as specific as ‘the royal menu’.  Basically, everything I know about Prince William’s upcoming wedding to Kate Middleton I have learned while home in America.

Moving on, the last 2 weekends have been spent visiting some of my best friends, who I miss very much while I am abroad.  First on my agenda was a visit to Holy Cross.  I was fortunate to visit in September before I left for England, but I did not expect to be back a second time this year.  It was great, however, to see not only friends but also to soak up the campus atmosphere.  One thing about Holy Cross that I really miss while being abroad is the whole community atmosphere.  There is so much to say about my visit that I can’t include it all here, but some of the highlights of the weekend included attending Fools-A-Palooza in the Hogan Ballroom, hanging out with friends both on campus and in Worcester, getting back into my Ballroom Dance groove (I was seriously out of practice!), and chilling in Cool Beans, a classic part of my HC life. 

While it was great to get back into my old familiar routine for a few days, I couldn’t help but compare my life at Holy Cross to my new life in England, and I kept feeling as if I was living a double life or in a dream.  Although England took me a long time to get used to, there are definitely things about it and people (especially my flatmates!) whom I will miss next year.  I was so afraid to break away from my Holy Cross routine, and now I have created a Sussex routine which will also be scary to break away from.  Basically, I wonder how my experiences this year abroad, combined with my past 2 years on the Hill, will affect and shape my senior year.  Only time can answer that question, and I am excited to find out!

One Response to “HC Visit”

  1. Kelsey says:

    That sounds amazing!! I am glad you got to see everyone!!

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